After a failed mission to Mars, A.I./ARTI is now used for the 2036 mission with a few human supervisors. A monolith of unknown origin is found there. It will have a big effect on Earth.
After the first manned mission to Mars ends in a deadly crash, mission controller Mackenzie 'Mack' Wilson (Sackhoff) assists an artificial intelligence system, A.R.T.I. Their investigation uncovers a mysterious object under the surface of Mars, that could change the future of our planet as we know it.
This movie, while certainly not the worst movie I've seen, plays more a good sci-fi channel movie than a Netflix original. I suppose my biggest issue is that this movie doesn't bring anything new to the table despite being incapable of staying on topic. It grabs at every sci-fi concept out there (space flight, AI, aliens, future tech, etc) but it feels like it just takes from existing media rather than contributing. the CGI shifts quickly from good to terrible. Overall, not a great movie.
Stanley Kubrick is the same guy who wrote 2001 a Space Oddysey. His themes deal with the dangers of artificial intelligence.
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