Bohemian Rhapsody - Movie Review

This movie is a must see for any music and movie lover Queen fan or no Queen fan,anyone who sees this movie will be going through a roller-coaster of Emotions Beeng it Queens music or the story behind the music.

Rami Malek puts down an excellent version of Freddie Mercury, but all the actors play great in this movie In my opinion best thing to do is ignore the criticism and go see it for yourself.

For those of us of a certain age Queen, and especially Freddie, defined us. Sitting through this movie I had goosebumps. The casting just works and watching the actors playing May and Deacon you'd be forgiven in thinking someone had access to a time machine. Even Kenny Everett was instantly recognisable. I left this movie a strange combination of elated and terribly sad. Elated to hear the music, watch the story and yet sad that Freddie was so desperately lonely. Ultimately, I think Freddie would have approved of the whole thing. His genius and flamboyance shone through. Truly brilliant.
