2018 Outlaw King (Film Review) - Chris Pine as Robert the Bruce

I have always been interested in Scottish History, and this piece is a nice continuation after the events of Brave Heart. Which really was the catalyst of Robert the Bruce rising up against the English to complete the independence of Scotland from the English.

A true David vs. Goliath story of how the 14th century Scottish 'Outlaw King' Robert the Bruce used cunning and bravery to defeat the much larger and better equipped occupying English army.

After being declared "Outlaw" by the occupying English Empire, Robert the Bruce (Chris Pine) raises an army of Scottish fighters in rebellion. Twists and turns all across the Scottish countryside lead this film on an epic, "true to historical events", journey that captures heroism at its core! 

This was a great movie. It had a few issues (pacing a bit rough in places), but it was otherwise very well done

Chris Pine is a fabulous actor and was believable the entire way through. I was curious to find out how he would handle this role, and he didn't let me down. The support cast was also superb, although I would have liked to have seen a bit more development of key characters, and a little more in-depth development of this snapshot of history, but by paying close attention, the viewer can learn a lot that's not blatantly obvious. The camera work was excellent, fight scenes well-done and realistic, music score perfect.

I have to admit that I'm hard to please as a viewer, but this movie scored high with me. I highly recommend it!

