1. Creating a Mailing List. - This is the main source to drive traffic.
2. Use SEO - I would recommend if using Wordpress YOAST OR ALLSEO
3. Use a Social Scheduler to save time E.G. Wordpress Blog2Social
4. Use SCOOP.IT for content sharing
5. Create a Facebook Page
6. Create a Twitter Account
7. Use Instagram
8. Use Pintrest
9. Use Stumbleupon
10 Guest Post on Other blogs
11. Comment on other posts
12. Post to Forums
13. Guest other writers to Guest Post on your blog
14. Ping and signup for other search engines BING, Yahoo etc.
15. Either create short posts of 300 words or less
16. Or Archive shorter posts not getting many views anymore into longer 3000 word Page Articles
17. Repost Evergreen content with newer dates for more readership
18. Go Back and edit old posts SEO, Pictures etc.
19. Use Lots of Pictures and alt. attrib and labeling of photo name to maximize search on Google Images
20. Use Grammarly (free spell check) to improve the spelling quality on your posts
21. Place Share Buttons
22. Enable Comments
23. Have a Facebook Popup Box for people to join your group.
24. Signup with ASR to improve your site
25. Use Google Analytics to study trends
26. Use Infographics
27. Cover Trending Topics
-Google Trends, Twitter
28. Write in a Conversational Tone
29. Use Slideshare to post powerpoint and link back to your site
30. If selling Ebooks on places like Amazon include your website in the Ebooks
31. Use Youtube to make videos to promote your website
32. Have Prizes and Competitions
33. Study time zones and publish your posts at the appropriate times.
34. Publish moe articles
35. Do List Posts
36. Do Roundup Posts
37. Answer Questions on Quora, Answers.com etc.
38. Use Reddit
Also, check out my other blog www.pinoyathletics.info
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