Main reasons why Catalonia can no longer be part of Spain:

1. Spanish courts systematically overrule Catalan laws, decrees and political measures, particularly when involving issues such as language, culture and political or economical sovereignty, with no respect at all to the Catalan people democratic will (even against what previously was approved by referendum by the people of Catalonia).
2. Spanish parliament systematically dictates new laws to overrule any catalan law or decree newly aproved by the Catalan Parliament, particularly when involving issues such as language, culture and political or economical sovereignty, with no respect at all of the statutory powers given by the Spanish Constitution to the region and by the Catalan Statutory Chart that derives from it (the ‘Estatut d’Autonomia de Catalunya’).
3. Spanish parliament systematically dictates new decrees and aproves new mesures to overrule any new decree aproved by the Catalan executive, particularly when involving issues such as language, culture and political or economical sovereignty, with no respect at all of the statutory powers given by the spanish Constitution to the region and by catalan statutory chart that develops it (the ‘Estatut d’Autonomia de Catalunya’).

In short, Spain systematically OVERRULES the result of the catalan powers and the catalan people’s democratic will, in a political pressure that has been increasing year after year since the spanish dictatorship of Franco came to its end in 1975 and nowadays appears to be enormous to most of catalan citizens, particularly those ones who feel themselves not being spanish or being more catalan than spanish, last official polls showing that YES would win in a referendum of independence, obtaining more than 70% of votes, being the turnout upper to 70%.
Barcelona fell to Spanish (Castillian) army in 1714, but the seven centuries of political freedom the region had lived from 980 to 1714, with its own parliament and without having to live under the rule of another country’s powers, created a national identity and a particular culture (including the creation of a strong national language) that remain alive still today.
Political freedom by the citizens of Catalonia was officially maintained untill 1714, although with a lot of difficulties since 1469, when the King of Catalonia & Aragon married the Queen of Spain (Castille).

1. The polls containing the question whether people feel only Catalan, more Catalan than Spanish, as Catalan as Spanish, more Spanish than Catalan or only Spanish have been made for a long time by the CEO (which probably were the source cited by La Vanguardia). They show a majority of people feeling only Catalan or more Catalan than Spanish, and this majority has been growing in the last years. In the last poll, of a month ago, the sum of “only Catalan” and “more Catalan than Spanish” is about 58%.
2. The same poll (and others go in the same line) gives a support for independence in a referendum of 57% (51% in a previous poll), which is very similar to the above percentage of national identification.
3. The fiscal deficit with Spain, the percentage of the Catalan GDP going to Madrid and never coming back, is between 8% and 10%. This number is widely accepted and corresponds to about 16 million euros annually. The “solidarity” contribution of member states in the EU is little more than 1%. If Catalonia was independent, then, the 8-10% of “solidarity” would be reduced to 1%, which many would say is the difference between robbery and real solidarity.
4. It’s clear from the polls, from the demonstration of September 11th and from the result of the elections of yesterday, that there is a majority for independence. The new drive for independence is not the result of a “fool’s plan” but the will of a people.
